Persona 2019 - Korean Series
Persona is an anthology series that consists of 4 different episodes. Directed by different directors, each episode tells separate stories starring IU. Directed by Lee Kyung Mi, “Love Suite” follows an intense tennis match between IU and Doo Na. The stakes are high for both women. Directed by Im Pil-sung, "The Collector" tells the story of a seductive woman named Yoon who loves to seduce men and a man who is willing to do anything for her love. Directed by Jeon Go-won, "Burning Kiss" depicts two schoolgirls, Han Na and Hye Bok's many attempts to get revenge on Hye Bok's unreasonable father. The black and white film "Walking at Night" directed by Kim Jung Kwan tells the tragic story of two ex-lovers who go for a walk in a man's dream and remember their love and say things that the opportunity to do do not have In real life. (Source: MyDramaList)