The Royal Gambler 2016 - Korean Series

This series tells the story of the competition for love, destiny and the throne. Prince Bak Dae-gil (Jang Geun-seok) was born into a royal family, but he is forced to give up his aristocratic life and now tries to regain his throne by gambling. Dae Gil is the best gambler in Chosun. Contrary to his cold-blooded appearance, he is full of anger and hatred inside. And Emperor Yong Joo (Yoo Jin Goo) has everything. On the other hand, the emperor is a man who never bows down to anyone without a logical reason. Dae Gil and Emperor Yong Joo start the game, Dae Gil bets his life and Emperor Yong Joo bets on the entire Chosun Empire. Meanwhile, Dam Soo (MJ Yoon) wants to take revenge on the emperor alone...